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HL Paper 2

Two observations about the photoelectric effect are

Observation 1: For light below the threshold frequency no electrons are emitted from the metal surface.

Observation 2: For light above the threshold frequency, the emission of electrons is almost instantaneous.

The graph shows how the maximum kinetic energy Emax of electrons emitted from a surface of barium metal varies with the frequency f of the incident radiation.

Explain how each observation provides support for the particle theory but not the wave theory of light.


Determine a value for Planck’s constant.


State what is meant by the work function of a metal.


Calculate the work function of barium in eV.


The experiment is repeated with a metal surface of cadmium, which has a greater work function. Draw a second line on the graph to represent the results of this experiment.


The first scientists to identify alpha particles by a direct method were Rutherford and Royds. They knew that radium-226 ( 86 226 Ra ) decays by alpha emission to form a nuclide known as radon (Rn).

At the start of the experiment, Rutherford and Royds put 6.2 x 10–4 mol of pure radium-226 in a small closed cylinder A. Cylinder A is fixed in the centre of a larger closed cylinder B.

The experiment lasted for 6 days. The decay constant of radium-226 is 1.4 x 10–11 s–1.

At the start of the experiment, all the air was removed from cylinder B. The alpha particles combined with electrons as they moved through the wall of cylinder A to form helium gas in cylinder B.

Write down the nuclear equation for this decay.


Deduce that the activity of the radium-226 is almost constant during the experiment.


Show that about 3 x 1015 alpha particles are emitted by the radium-226 in 6 days.


The wall of cylinder A is made from glass. Outline why this glass wall had to be very thin.


The experiment was carried out at a temperature of 18 °C. The volume of cylinder B was 1.3 x 10–5 m3 and the volume of cylinder A was negligible. Calculate the pressure of the helium gas that was collected in cylinder B over the 6 day period. Helium is a monatomic gas.


The de Broglie wavelength λ of a particle accelerated close to the speed of light is approximately


where E is the energy of the particle.
A beam of electrons of energy 4.2×108eV is produced in an accelerator.

The electron beam is used to study the nuclear radius of carbon-12. The beam is directed from the left at a thin sample of carbon-12. A detector is placed at an angle θ relative to the direction of the incident beam.

The graph shows the variation of the intensity of electrons with θ. There is a minimum of intensity for θ=θ0.

Show that the wavelength of an electron in the beam is about 3×10-15m.


Discuss how the results of the experiment provide evidence for matter waves.


The accepted value of the diameter of the carbon-12 nucleus is 4.94×10-15m. Estimate the angle θ0 at which the minimum of the intensity is formed.


Outline why electrons with energy of approximately 107eV would be unsuitable for the investigation of nuclear radii.


Experiments with many nuclides suggest that the radius of a nucleus is proportional to A13, where A is the number of nucleons in the nucleus. Show that the density of a nucleus remains approximately the same for all nuclei.


Yellow light of photon energy 3.5 x 10–19 J is incident on the surface of a particular photocell.

The photocell is connected to a cell as shown. The photoelectric current is at its maximum value (the saturation current).

Radiation with a greater photon energy than that in (b) is now incident on the photocell. The intensity of this radiation is the same as that in (b).

Calculate the wavelength of the light.


Electrons emitted from the surface of the photocell have almost no kinetic energy. Explain why this does not contradict the law of conservation of energy.


Radiation of photon energy 5.2 x 10–19 J is now incident on the photocell. Calculate the maximum velocity of the emitted electrons.


Describe the change in the number of photons per second incident on the surface of the photocell.


State and explain the effect on the maximum photoelectric current as a result of increasing the photon energy in this way.


Plutonium-238 (Pu) decays by alpha (α) decay into uranium (U).

The following data are available for binding energies per nucleon:

plutonium          7.568 MeV

uranium             7.600 MeV

alpha particle     7.074 MeV

The energy in b(i) can be transferred into electrical energy to run the instruments of a spacecraft. A spacecraft carries 33 kg of pure plutonium-238 at launch. The decay constant of plutonium is 2.50 × 10−10 s−1.

Solar radiation falls onto a metallic surface carried by the spacecraft causing the emission of photoelectrons. The radiation has passed through a filter so it is monochromatic. The spacecraft is moving away from the Sun.

State what is meant by the binding energy of a nucleus.


Draw, on the axes, a graph to show the variation with nucleon number A of the binding energy per nucleon, BEA. Numbers are not required on the vertical axis.


Identify, with a cross, on the graph in (a)(ii), the region of greatest stability.


Some unstable nuclei have many more neutrons than protons. Suggest the likely decay for these nuclei.


Show that the energy released in this decay is about 6 MeV.


The plutonium nucleus is at rest when it decays.

Calculate the ratio kinetic energy of alpha particlekinetic energy of uranium.


Estimate the power, in kW, that is available from the plutonium at launch.


The spacecraft will take 7.2 years (2.3 × 108 s) to reach a planet in the solar system. Estimate the power available to the spacecraft when it gets to the planet.


 State and explain what happens to the kinetic energy of an emitted photoelectron.


 State and explain what happens to the rate at which charge leaves the metallic surface.


15 32 P is formed when a nucleus of deuterium ( 1 2 H ) collides with a nucleus of 15 31 P . The radius of a deuterium nucleus is 1.5 fm.

State how the density of a nucleus varies with the number of nucleons in the nucleus.


Show that the nuclear radius of phosphorus-31 ( 15 31 P ) is about 4 fm.


State the maximum distance between the centres of the nuclei for which the production of 15 32 P is likely to occur.


Determine, in J, the minimum initial kinetic energy that the deuterium nucleus must have in order to produce 15 32 P . Assume that the phosphorus nucleus is stationary throughout the interaction and that only electrostatic forces act.


15 32 P  undergoes beta-minus (β) decay. Explain why the energy gained by the emitted beta particles in this decay is not the same for every beta particle.


State what is meant by decay constant.


In a fresh pure sample of  15 32 P  the activity of the sample is 24 Bq. After one week the activity has become 17 Bq. Calculate, in s–1, the decay constant of  15 32 P .


Particles can be used in scattering experiments to estimate nuclear sizes.

Electron diffraction experiments indicate that the nuclear radius of carbon-12 is 2.7 x 10–15 m. The graph shows the variation of nuclear radius with nucleon number. The nuclear radius of the carbon-12 is shown on the graph.

The Feynman diagram shows electron capture.

State and explain the nature of the particle labelled X.


Outline how these experiments are carried out.


Outline why the particles must be accelerated to high energies in scattering experiments.


State and explain one example of a scientific analogy.


Plot the position of magnesium-24 on the graph.


Draw a line on the graph, to show the variation of nuclear radius with nucleon number.


In an electric circuit used to investigate the photoelectric effect, the voltage is varied until the reading in the ammeter is zero. The stopping voltage that produces this reading is 1.40 V.

Describe the photoelectric effect.


Show that the maximum velocity of the photoelectrons is 700km  s-1.


The photoelectrons are emitted from a sodium surface. Sodium has a work function of 2.3 eV.

Calculate the wavelength of the radiation incident on the sodium. State an appropriate unit for your answer.


In an experiment to demonstrate the photoelectric effect, monochromatic electromagnetic radiation from source A is incident on the surfaces of metal P and metal Q. Observations of the emission of electrons from P and Q are made.

The experiment is then repeated with two other sources of electromagnetic radiation: B and C. The table gives the results for the experiment and the wavelengths of the radiation sources.

Outline the cause of the electron emission for radiation A.


Outline why electrons are never emitted for radiation C.


Outline why radiation B gives different results.


Explain why there is no effect on the table of results when the intensity of source B is doubled.


Photons with energy 1.1 × 10−18 J are incident on a third metal surface. The maximum energy of electrons emitted from the surface of the metal is 5.1 × 10−19 J.

Calculate, in eV, the work function of the metal.


An apparatus is used to investigate the photoelectric effect. A caesium cathode C is illuminated by a variable light source. A variable power supply is connected between C and the collecting anode A. The photoelectric current I is measured using an ammeter.

A current is observed on the ammeter when violet light illuminates C. With V held constant the current becomes zero when the violet light is replaced by red light of the same intensity. Explain this observation.


The graph shows the variation of photoelectric current I with potential difference V between C and A when violet light of a particular intensity is used.

The intensity of the light source is increased without changing its wavelength.

(i) Draw, on the axes, a graph to show the variation of I with V for the increased intensity.

(ii) The wavelength of the violet light is 400 nm. Determine, in eV, the work function of caesium.

(iii) V is adjusted to +2.50V. Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons just before they reach A.


During electron capture, an atomic electron is captured by a proton in the nucleus. The stable nuclide thallium-205 (Tl81205) can be formed when an unstable lead (Pb) nuclide captures an electron.

Write down the equation to represent this decay.


The unstable lead nuclide has a half-life of 15 × 106 years. A sample initially contains 2.0 μmol of the lead nuclide. Calculate the number of thallium nuclei being formed each second 30 × 106 years later.



The neutron number N and the proton number Z are not equal for the nuclide Tl81205. Explain, with reference to the forces acting within the nucleus, the reason for this.


Thallium-205 (Tl81205) can also form from successive alpha (α) and beta-minus (β) decays of an unstable nuclide. The decays follow the sequence α β β α. The diagram shows the position of Tl81205 on a chart of neutron number against proton number.

Draw four arrows to show the sequence of changes to N and Z that occur as the Tl81205 forms from the unstable nuclide.


Radioactive uranium-238 U92238 produces a series of decays ending with a stable nuclide of lead. The nuclides in the series decay by either alpha (α) or beta-minus (β) processes.

The graph shows the variation with the nucleon number A of the binding energy per nucleon.

Uranium-238 decays into a nuclide of thorium-234 (Th).

Write down the complete equation for this radioactive decay.


Thallium-206 Tl81206 decays into lead-206 Pb82206.

Identify the quark changes for this decay.


The half-life of uranium-238 is about 4.5 × 109 years. The half-life of thallium-206 is about 4.2 minutes.

Compare and contrast the methods to measure these half-lives.


Outline why high temperatures are required for fusion to occur.



Outline, with reference to the graph, why energy is released both in fusion and in fission.



Uranium-235 U92235 is used as a nuclear fuel. The fission of uranium-235 can produce krypton-89 and barium-144.

Determine, in MeV and using the graph, the energy released by this fission.


Potassium-40 K1940 decays by two processes.

The first process is that of beta-minus (β) decay to form a calcium (Ca) nuclide.

Potassium-40 decays by a second process to argon-40. This decay accounts for 11 % of the total decay of the potassium-40.

Rocks can be dated by measuring the quantity of argon-40 gas trapped in them. One rock sample contains 340 µmol of potassium-40 and 12 µmol of argon-40.

Write down the equation for this decay.


Show that the initial quantity of potassium-40 in the rock sample was about 450 µmol.


The half-life of potassium-40 is 1.3 × 109 years. Estimate the age of the rock sample.


Outline how the decay constant of potassium-40 was determined in the laboratory for a pure sample of the nuclide.


In an experiment a beam of electrons with energy 440 MeV are incident on oxygen-16 O816 nuclei. The variation with scattering angle of the relative intensity of the scattered electrons is shown.

Identify a property of electrons demonstrated by this experiment.


Show that the energy E of each electron in the beam is about 7 × 10−11 J.


The de Broglie wavelength for an electron is given by hcE. Show that the diameter of an oxygen-16 nucleus is about 4 fm.


Estimate, using the result in (a)(iii), the volume of a tin-118 Sn50118 nucleus. State your answer to an appropriate number of significant figures.


Rhodium-106 ( 45 106 Rh ) decays into palladium-106 ( 46 106 Pd ) by beta minus (β) decay. The diagram shows some of the nuclear energy levels of rhodium-106 and palladium-106. The arrow represents the β decay.


Bohr modified the Rutherford model by introducing the condition mvr = n h 2 π . Outline the reason for this modification.


Show that the speed v of an electron in the hydrogen atom is related to the radius r of the orbit by the expression

v = k e 2 m e r

where k is the Coulomb constant.


Using the answer in (b) and (c)(i), deduce that the radius r of the electron’s orbit in the ground state of hydrogen is given by the following expression.

r = h 2 4 π 2 k m e e 2


Calculate the electron’s orbital radius in (c)(ii).


Explain what may be deduced about the energy of the electron in the β decay.


Suggest why the β decay is followed by the emission of a gamma ray photon.


Calculate the wavelength of the gamma ray photon in (d)(ii).


The radioactive nuclide beryllium-10 (Be-10) undergoes beta minus (β–) decay to form a stable boron (B) nuclide.

The initial number of nuclei in a pure sample of beryllium-10 is N0. The graph shows how the number of remaining beryllium nuclei in the sample varies with time.

An ice sample is moved to a laboratory for analysis. The temperature of the sample is –20 °C.

Identify the missing information for this decay.


On the graph, sketch how the number of boron nuclei in the sample varies with time.


After 4.3 × 106 years,

number of produced boron nuclei number of remaining beryllium nuclei = 7.

Show that the half-life of beryllium-10 is 1.4 × 106 years.


Beryllium-10 is used to investigate ice samples from Antarctica. A sample of ice initially contains 7.6 × 1011 atoms of beryllium-10. The present activity of the sample is 8.0 × 10−3 Bq.

Determine, in years, the age of the sample.


State what is meant by thermal radiation.


Discuss how the frequency of the radiation emitted by a black body can be used to estimate the temperature of the body.


Calculate the peak wavelength in the intensity of the radiation emitted by the ice sample.


The temperature in the laboratory is higher than the temperature of the ice sample. Describe one other energy transfer that occurs between the ice sample and the laboratory.


Hydrogen atoms in an ultraviolet (UV) lamp make transitions from the first excited state to the ground state. Photons are emitted and are incident on a photoelectric surface as shown.


The photons cause the emission of electrons from the photoelectric surface. The work function of the photoelectric surface is 5.1 eV.

The electric potential of the photoelectric surface is 0 V. The variable voltage is adjusted so that the collecting plate is at –1.2 V.

Show that the energy of photons from the UV lamp is about 10 eV.


Calculate, in J, the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electrons.


Suggest, with reference to conservation of energy, how the variable voltage source can be used to stop all emitted electrons from reaching the collecting plate.


The variable voltage can be adjusted so that no electrons reach the collecting plate. Write down the minimum value of the voltage for which no electrons reach the collecting plate.


On the diagram, draw and label the equipotential lines at –0.4 V and –0.8 V.


An electron is emitted from the photoelectric surface with kinetic energy 2.1 eV. Calculate the speed of the electron at the collecting plate.


Monochromatic light of very low intensity is incident on a metal surface. The light causes the emission of electrons almost instantaneously. Explain how this observation

In an experiment to demonstrate the photoelectric effect, light of wavelength 480 nm is incident on a metal surface.

The graph shows the variation of the current I in the ammeter with the potential V of the cathode.

does not support the wave nature of light.


does support the photon nature of light.


Calculate, in eV, the work function of the metal surface.


The intensity of the light incident on the surface is reduced by half without changing the wavelength. Draw, on the graph, the variation of the current I with potential V after this change.


A beam of electrons each of de Broglie wavelength 2.4 × 10–15 m is incident on a thin film of silicon-30  ( 14 30 Si ) . The variation in the electron intensity of the beam with scattering angle is shown.

Use the graph to show that the nuclear radius of silicon-30 is about 4 fm.


Estimate, using the result from (a)(i), the nuclear radius of thorium-232  ( 90 232 Th ) .


Suggest one reason why a beam of electrons is better for investigating the size of a nucleus than a beam of alpha particles of the same energy.


Outline why deviations from Rutherford scattering are observed when high-energy alpha particles are incident on nuclei.


A particular K meson has a quark structure u ¯ s. State the charge, strangeness and baryon number for this meson.


The Feynman diagram shows the changes that occur during beta minus (β) decay.

Label the diagram by inserting the four missing particle symbols and the direction of the arrows for the decay particles.


C-14 decay is used to estimate the age of an old dead tree. The activity of C-14 in the dead tree is determined to have fallen to 21% of its original value. C-14 has a half-life of 5700 years.

(i) Explain why the activity of C-14 in the dead tree decreases with time.

(ii) Calculate, in years, the age of the dead tree. Give your answer to an appropriate number of significant figures.


In a classical model of the singly-ionized helium atom, a single electron orbits the nucleus in a circular orbit of radius r.

The Bohr model for hydrogen can be applied to the singly-ionized helium atom. In this model the radius r, in m, of the orbit of the electron is given by r=2.7×1011×n2 where n is a positive integer.

Show that the speed v of the electron with mass m, is given by v=2ke2mr.


Hence, deduce that the total energy of the electron is given by ETOT=-ke2r.


In this model the electron loses energy by emitting electromagnetic waves. Describe the predicted effect of this emission on the orbital radius of the electron.


Show that the de Broglie wavelength λ of the electron in the n=3 state is  λ=5.1×10-10 m.

The formula for the de Broglie wavelength of a particle is λ=hmv.


Estimate for n=3, the ratio circumference of orbitde Broglie wavelength of electron.

State your answer to one significant figure.


The description of the electron is different in the Schrodinger theory than in the Bohr model. Compare and contrast the description of the electron according to the Bohr model and to the Schrodinger theory.
